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First Offense DUI/OVI Attorney in Dayton, Ohio

Being charged with driving under the influence (DUI) or operating a vehicle impaired (OVI) for the first time is often overwhelming and frightening.

As a committed DUI defense attorney, I am here to support and defend those accused of a DUI/OVI for the first time. I strive to ensure that my clients receive a fair trial and the personalized representation they deserve. 

At Frank A. Malocu Attorney at Law, my focus is intently on DUI/OVI cases. I have an intricate understanding of Ohio's DUI laws and the legal precedents, which allow me to help my clients build strong, effective defense strategies tailored to their unique charges and circumstances.

As your attorney, I am dedicated to helping you work toward the best possible outcome for your case.  

Located in Dayton, Ohio, I proudly serve clients throughout Montgomery County, including Northridge, Huber Heights, Fort McKinley, Residence Park, and Englewood; Greene County, including Beavercreek, Pleasant View, Xenia, and New Jasper; and Miami County, including Pigeye, Cowlesville, Troy, Piqua, and Covington. 

Understanding Ohio DUI Laws for First Offenders 

In Ohio, a DUI is more commonly referred to as "operating a vehicle impaired" (OVI), although the term DUI is still commonly used and heard in legal proceedings. 

For first-time offenders, the state takes a tough yet structured approach. If you are caught driving or operating a vehicle with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of .08% or higher, you can be charged with an OVI regardless if there is evidence of actual impairment.  

Additionally, you can be charged with an OVI for being the possession of or under the influence of controlled substances such as marijuana, cocaine, amphetamines, LSD, heroin, or other drugs. 

Being charged with an OVI for the first time can lead to severe penalties that can vary based on the specific details of your case, such as your BAC level and any prior offenses.  

Facing an OVI Charge? 

Contact Me 

Penalties for a First Offense DUI/OVI

In Ohio, being charged with a DUI/OVI for the first time can lead to significant consequences that can significantly impact various aspects of your life. The penalties for a first-time offender often include the following: 

  • Fines: The court may impose fines ranging from $375 to $1,075. These fines may also be coupled with additional court costs and fees. 

  • Driver’s license suspension: First-time offenders may have their driver's license suspended for anywhere from one to three years. This means you will have restricted or no driving privileges, which can significantly affect your daily routines. 

  • Jail time: A first-time DUI/OVI conviction has a mandatory minimum jail time of three days, however, sentences can extend up to six months. In some cases, offenders can opt to complete a court-approved driver’s intervention program instead of serving jail time. 

  • Driver’s intervention program (DIP): As an alternative to jail, the court may order the offender to complete a three-day driver’s intervention program. This educational course aims to address the risks and consequences of impaired driving. 

  • Alcohol treatment and counseling: The court may require the offender to participate in alcohol or drug treatment programs or counseling sessions as part of their rehabilitation process. 

Facing a DUI/OVI charge for the first time is often a daunting experience, but understanding the potential penalties can help you prepare for the legal battles ahead. If you or a loved one has been charged with a DUI/OVI, speak with an experienced attorney who can help you develop a strong defense.

Reach out to me at Frank A. Malocu Attorney at Law today. 

How Can My Firm Help First-Time DUI/OVI Offenders?

Every client and case is distinct, which is why I approach each situation with a personalized strategy. The first step involves getting to know you and understanding the specifics of your case so we can work together to build a strong defense on your behalf. While facing a DUI/OVI charge for the first time is daunting, various defense strategies can be applied to challenge the accusations: 

  • Challenging the traffic stop: Law enforcement must have a legitimate reason to pull you over. Without reasonable suspicion, any evidence collected during the stop could be dismissed. 

  • Questioning field sobriety tests: These tests are subjective and can be influenced by various factors like physical conditions or inaccurate instructions from the officer. If a field sobriety test was administered incorrectly or unduly influenced, it could be dismissed as evidence. 

  • Scrutinizing breathalyzer accuracy: Breathalyzer tests can produce false positives due to issues like improper device calibration or the presence of mouth alcohol. 

  • Examining blood test accuracy: Any errors in the handling or storage of blood samples can lead to inaccurate results, which can be contested in court. 

  • Medical conditions: Certain medical conditions may mimic signs of intoxication or elevate your BAC. Providing evidence of these conditions can counter claims of impairment. 

  • Rising blood alcohol defense: It's possible that your BAC was below the legal limit while driving but rose above it when you were tested due to alcohol absorption rates. 

  • Improper police conduct: Any misconduct or procedural errors by law enforcement can be grounds for a defense, potentially leading to the exclusion of evidence or dismissal of the case. 

By working with my firm, we can explore these potential defenses to help protect your rights. I will meticulously help you investigate the circumstances surrounding your arrest to identify any procedural errors or rights violations that could weaken the prosecution's case against you. 

At Frank A. Malocu Attorney at Law, I aim to treat every case with dignity and respect. I firmly believe in upholding my clients' rights, and I'm committed to providing you with effective representation throughout your case. 

First Offense DUI Attorney in Dayton, Ohio 

If you've been charged with a DUI/OVI for the first time, it's important to seek legal guidance immediately. Whether you want to potentially reduce the charges against you, work toward a dismissal, or negotiate a favorable plea deal, I will use my knowledge of Ohio DUI/OVI law and my unwavering commitment to help you mount a strong defense. Contact me today to schedule a free consultation and discuss your case.